<More Uses Than One >这篇文章的中文意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 04:17:35
More Uses Than One
When Li Cheng got married, his wife’s mother came to live with them.
She was not an easy woman to live with. She was always complaining and never seemed to stop talking.
Li Cheng loved his wife but her mother was making his life miserable.
Unfortunately, his wife would not listen to any criticism of her mother.
“She is my mother,” she said. “I must respect her and so must you.”
As the months passed Li Cheng became more and more unhappy. If only, he thought, there was some way of stopping his mother-in-law from talking all the time.
Then one day she was ill. She complained, of course. She was hot. She was cold. Her legs ached. Her head Ached. She couldn’t eat. She couldn’t sleep.
At last, Li Cheng sent for a doctor.
The doctor arrived. He examined her and then put a thermometer in her mouth. He wanted to take her temperature. “Sit quietly,” he said, “and don’t open your mouth.” Li Cheng watched with surprise as his

